Thursday, August 12, 2010

Free Shot!

Dufff, baru muncul lagi malem-malem. Tepar bro, badan 2 hari ini sedang tidak berbaik hati sama saya. Kemaren keracunan SOTO dan diare masih belum fit. Huhu, not good at all. Fasting in sick is not good at all. Bwahahaha but I try to finish fasting day by day.

I try to finished my games. Ya reviewer yang baik harus menamatkan game yang dicoba [starting from COD4, Prison Break, and now GTA IV Liberty City]. Game is similar with Novel or Film, it means if you have watched or read it, you must read or watch it until the end. Jangan nanggung, nanti jadinya hanya kira-kira dan bahkan lebih ‘get into it’ kalau kita udah bisa namatin game itu.

Tapi mendadak saya kangen sama toycam. Yap, HOLGA killed my brains [hayah berlebihan buanget]. Kangen mainin kamera itu lagi. One of the Lomography spirit is freedom of expression. Just shot if you want. Asik banget kan, gak perlu ngatur ini itu jepret jepret jepret dan whooo.

But I should finish my new responsibility. Banyak orang bertanya apa sih? Yes, it’s a lil secret. Tapi gak lama lagi palingan udah pada tau kok. The job is so fun. And I love it..Yap, let’s pray to the boss of the universe.


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